
Welcome to TopCoder

Track word's top coders ranked by their ELO scores from competitive conding websites such as Codeforces

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Position User Name Name Country City Organization Codeforces Rank CoderForces Rating
318955 __123456__ not_found not_found not_found not_found newbie -47
318954 fourist L.X. F. not_found not_found not_found newbie -44
318953 errorerror not_found not_found not_found not_found newbie -41
318950 Geniusity not_found not_found not_found not_found newbie -39
318951 MisterMax not_found not_found not_found not_found newbie -39
318952 jh05013 not_found not_found not_found not_found newbie -39
318949 hnust_tangyuefan not_found not_found not_found Hunan University of Science and Technology newbie -38
318948 im2b not_found not_found not_found not_found newbie -36
318946 div3noob not_found not_found not_found not_found newbie -35
318947 fxt not_found China Nanjing Nanjing Xuanwu Foreign Language School newbie -35
318944 AThousandStar ntf txdy China Guangzhou ATS fan Club newbie -34
318945 I_LOVE_TAIMAS not_found not_found not_found not_found newbie -34
318943 hdhd not_found not_found not_found Chongqing Nankai Secondary School newbie -34
318942 newbie314159 not_found not_found not_found not_found newbie -34
318940 anthonymcqueen21 Anthony Perez United States Bakersfield University of Phoenix newbie -33
318941 kunal6203 Kunal Kumar India Begusarai student newbie -33
318939 LaganderyGrendmestar not_found not_found not_found not_found newbie -32
318938 KHOKHO_IS_N00B nubi aleko Georgia Khashuri not_found newbie -27
318936 NIKABB_IS_N00B_LIKE_ME Nubi Nikolozi Georgia Zestaponi not_found newbie -25
318937 OrzCrabby_Maskiv Lowest Rating Antarctica not_found The Affiliated High School of Peking University newbie -25